My old friend and mother of my beautiful daughter-in-law, Sasa, Jennifer came along with her brother Max and his wife Beryl on the 9th August.
They had driven down from Caen and stayed a night in Laval and a night in Angouleme on the way here.
The, not too weary, travellers arrived about 6pm just in time for an aperitif or two. It was a beautiful evening and so we ate and a chatted outside until it was time for bed.
Next day dawned hot and sunny so everyone was happy to enjoy the sun and relax in the garden. Determined that they should see a bit of local "culture" I managed to drag them out in the afternoon. We went to Eugenie les Bains and had a walk around the gardens there before sitting in the shade and relaxing with a beer. The purpose of this outing was to see a course landaise so we went and got a good position in the arena about 1/2 an hour before it started. It was exceedingly hot with no shade so we were all soon rather overheated. A couple of chaps were watering the sand in the arena and at one point they hosed us down! I have to say that it was very welcome and our clothes soon dried out. I think everyone enjoyed the course but we only stayed for the first half which lasted an hour. It was so hot and the cement seating was very hard that we all felt that an hour was enough.
After an overnight thunderstorm the next day was damp and cool. In the morning we went into town and did some shopping at Leclerc and then had a coffee in the town centre. By the afternoon the sun was out so it was back to relaxing in the garden and gaining energy for the night to come. It was the last night of the local fete in Maurrin, our next village, so we were going to eat there. We arrived about 8.30pm and there were already crowds of people there. Large open sided marquees had been erected and long tables were ready for the meal. We managed to find some places and waited for the food. What a meal, 6 courses, all well prepared and efficiently served. We had "tourrin" which is tomato soup with vermicelli, tomato salad, "Daube de taureau" (beef stew) which had been cooked slowly and was beautifully flavoured with herbs, steak and chips, cheese and green salad and finally coffee or chocolate liegois. All this was rounded off with coffee and Armagnac. Then the disco started and we "girls" were soon strutting our stuff!!! Not as young as we used to be but we can still strut a bit!! Even Max and Nigel took to the floor, Nigel rather briefly but at least he made an effort. We made it back home by about 1pm and were soon slumbering away.
On Tuesday morning I had a big treat when Max cooked a big breakfast for us! Surprised that we could eat it after last nights feed but we did do justice to the excellent cuisine. What a treat!We girls then decided to go into Aire sur l'Adour to visit the market. We had no sooner got parked and got half way to the market when the heavens opened. I had an umbrella so the passers by were treated to the sight of the 3 of us, arms around each other, huddling under the umbrella. Don't worry I said, it's only a shower but I'm afraid to say that I was wrong. Beryl made a dash for it, back to the car, to get another brolly and we then walked into the town. After buying postcards and having a coffee the "shower" was continuing so we gave up and came back home.
After lunch the sky brightened a bit and relaxing in the garden continued.
Wednesday was their last day and after a late and lazy morning we went to the hotel du Commerce at Estang where the set lunch was as good as ever. Back home for a last laze in the garden before they packed ready for their departure in the morning.
So next morning they were on there way again. I have to say that I give them full marks for their efficiency at clearing up after the meals we had here. It was almost as if I waved a magic wand and everything disappeared miraculously into the dishwasher and anything that wouldn't fit in was washed and dried in the twinkling of an eye. Thanks folks for being such good guests and looking forward to your next visit.