It was a big event, this year, for us both to go back to Devon for the festive season. I have been back once for Christmas since we came here but this was the first time that we had both gone back since we came over here in 1997.
We had snow the day before we left, not a lot, and the weather forecast was pretty grim both for France and the UK. Friday the 18th, the day before we left, I had to take Rambo to the vet to complete the paperwork for his passport as he too was going with us. After that I packed the car, Steve had requested that we took wine and cheese, so with all that as well as our luggage and the whole of the boot area left free for Rambo the car was as full as it could be!
We had a good journey and an overnight stay in Cherbourg before catching the ferry to Poole. Rambo travelled well and once disembarked we were on our way to Kilmington.
It was so good to see Steve and Sasa and start our holiday with them. Steve had booked us into a cottage in the village for the first 10 days as Jennifer and Margaret would be down on Christmas Eve. The cottage was tiny but comfortable apart from being rather chilly as the weather was so cold. Rambo stayed with Steve and Sasa and soon made friends with their dog, Scout.
The weather remained very cold for the length of our stay and at times the side roads were virtually impassable due to ice, It was quite a thrill to shop in Tesco's - and be able to buy the things that we hadn't realised that we had missed when at home in France!
Christmas day was very special, Steve cooked a beautiful breakfast of scrambled eggs and smoked salmon served with champagne and orange juice. After opening all our pressies N and I and Jennifer and Jason went for a long walk, mmore than a couple of hours, in the woods. Christmas dinner, cooked by Steve, was quite late but well worth waiting for!
On Boxing Day, Steve, Sasa, Jason, Jennifer and Scout walked to Dalwood whilst N, Margaret, Rambo and I drove there. We had a walk through the village and fields and met up with the others afterwards for a drink at the Tuckers Arms. So many memories!
Jennifer and Margaret left on the Monday. Nigel spent a night with his parents, I spent the night with Titch. In betweenn all the other activities we managed to visit old friends, have a trip into Exeter, go to the pub quiz and of course go to see Chippie. Jennifer and I met up withn Jackie and Laura and went to the Christmas carol service in Dalwood church - more memories.
Unfortunately, Jennifer wasn't too well when she was there and N caught whatever it was and he wasn't too well for the last few days that we were there. We had all planned to go to the Old Inn to celebrate the New Year but N opted to stay at home due to feeling unwell. It was a good evening which ended with a very impressive firework display to herald the New Year
All too soon it was time to leave and make the long journey back home. Always sad to say goodbye but once on the road we were looking forward to being back home.
After spending the night in Cherbourg we were on the last long lap home where we arrived at about 7pm. I had phoned Alain, our neighbour, and asked him to put the heating on for us so it was nice and warm when we got back.