The fete de Castandet took place on the 10th-13th July and we were finally able to get to it. The first year that we were here Nigel was suffering from bad toothache, last year he was in hospital so this year we were hoping that it would be 3rd time lucky!
Saturday evening was the bodega, food and drinks, followed by a capea. A capea is a demonstration by young boys from the bullfighting school who show off their prowess with some young bull calves!
We had had a meal earlier so just went to have a drink and watch the capea which was due to start at 9.30 but of course, this being Les Landes, it didn't start until 10.15! By then it was dark but the temporary arena was floodlit so that was no problem. I suspect that the youngest boys were about 14 and the older ones 16 or 17. Although the calves are not that big they were very agile and fleet of foot and I wouldn't have wanted to be standing in there with them. Each of the lads "did his bit", a new calf for each one and showed off their ability with the cape. They were encouraged by their "teacher" and family from the sidelines which brought to my mind the similarity of parents the world over. Although in my case, it was parents shouting and encouraging their children from the sidelines of the football pitch! At the end of each "turn" the lads strutted round the ring to cheers and clapping from the crowd. Sadly, for the last lad, the final calf didn't seem to get the hang of things and was quite happy to just stand and wonder what he was supposed to do! By this time Nigel had had enough of the noise and the hard wooden seating so we decided to leave.
Monday night was the final night of the fete and the big meal. We went down about 8.30 knowing that things wouldn't get going until quite a bit later but in time to have an aperitif first. In retrospect we could have probably had half a dozen aperos in the time we were waiting! By the time we had joined up with neighbours from Perron (about 9.45) and decided to sit down, we found that most of the tables had been reserved by people writing their names on the paper tablecloths. We finally got organised and they set up an extra table for us so we were all able to sit together. I have to say that we have had better meals. The soup was fine, the salad nicoise was a stodgy mess of rice, tuna and haricot beans. This was followed by "tete de veau", calves head, in sauce ravigote. I managed to eat a little of it, can't let the side down, and if one can avoid the fatty bits I have to say that it was very tasty. Nigel on the other hand just served himself some of the sauce which he wiped up with his bread. Next was steak and chips, the steak was fine and a lot of it too but the chips appeared later and were barely cooked and very oily. Desser was ice cream which was apparently OK but I couldn't face any more food! Just before we finished eating it started to rain but thankfully not too heavily and not enough for everyone to get up and rush for cover. We left then, giving a lift to Pascale and one of her daughters, and left the others to return to the bar. A good evening, despite the food, in good company.
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