Thursday, October 11, 2012


After getting back in the saddle again whilst in New Zealand I felt that I really wanted to continue now that we are back home. I spent quite some time on the internet trying to find somewhere where it was possible to go out for a hack in the surrounding forest. It's not easy here as riding seems to be much more regimented and based on lessons in the school. After a couple of enquiries I had a chat with Luc in  St Justin who is about a half hour drive away. He explained that he had a group of more mature people (!) every Monday morning and that every 3 or 4 times they would go out for a hack in the forest and the other times they work in the school. He invited me to go over the next Monday and see if I wanted to join them.

I duly went and met Luc, his wife Karine and the other riders. There are 6 other ladies and one (brave) man. The horses and ponies are all well schooled and are used competively, Luc and Karine compete in 2 star 3 day events. Very differrent mounts to the usual riding school hacks . Luc said that I would be riding Korigan, a Connemara, and explained that when we get there we catch the horse, groom him and tack him up. So, that done I got on him and we all rode up to the large manege where we had our lesson. It was hard work, it's a long time since I have done any serious riding but I thoroughly enjoyed the hour although I was quite glad when it ended as I felt that I had done enough!! It was easy to make the decision to carry on each Monday morning and hopefully it will get less tiring.
The second week we went out for a ride in the forest which is immediately adjacent to the stables. Hundreds of hectares of forest, pine and oak trees, in which it would be so easy to get lost. A relaxing hour after last weeks hard work!
Since then I have been another 3 times and we have worked in the school and I am pleased to say that I am now finding it much easier and so enjoying it. Luc is a good teacher and makes each lesson very interresting. One week we were cantering between bollards and did some jumping. One week we worked on transitions from walk to trot and to canter. One more lesson on Monday and then I shall miss 4 weeks when we are back in England but I shall be looking forward to returning when we get back.

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